Please forgive me ahead of time but this blog is going to be all over the place...Here goes:
1)My foot is feeling better. The UGLY shoe really helped. I am going to keep wearing it on and off for a while.
2)Miranda is STILL SICK. She is no longer running a high fever it is still between 99 and 100 but that is better than it was. She is still sleeping round the clock. I am having to wake her up to make her drink and eat. She has no appetite and really doesn't want to drink. She is now complaining of her throat, neck and shoulders hurting. She now has these small red bumps on the top of her pallet in her mouth. I am at my wits end. I don't know how to make her better. The dr. says the mona test and lyme disease test were negative so we are at square one once again! UHHH! My mom is friends with her dr. and he told my mom today that is she is not better by Tuesday morning he wants to see her again. He said there is still a chance that it could be mona and not just be showing in the white blood count. Her lymphocytes and her liver count are elevated so that could have something to do with it. I guess we are just in a wait and see game right now. As everyone knows I don't have much patience so this is pushing my buttons! I hate to see my child sick!
3)My mom is selling Premier Jewlery so she asked me to go with her Saturday to a Premier Round Up. It is where all the jewlers in the area come for a meeting. Some of the executive directors for Premier where at the meeting, Randy and Elizabeth Draper. They spoke and boy where they interesting. I enjoyed it so much. I wanted to share a few of the many things I took out of the meeting. Randy Draper was talking about how we are all Diamonds in a Rough. We are out there waiting to be found. He was talking about this man that lived in Africa and had heard that there were diamonds buried in the area. He spent his live trying to find the diamonds away from his home. He never look right where he was at and then one day he decided to look on his property and he found the diamond mine! He was talking about how life is like that sometimes we spend so much time looking for something elsewhere we forget to look right among what we already have. Here were some of his insights:
1)Learn to Laugh-he says Laughter is a vital part of life. He was emphasizing how important it is to Laugh
2)Pursue the Postive-he was talking about not worry but to pray and you will find peace. YOu will be postive through prayer. Associate with people that are positive.
3)Emphasis the essentials. He was talking about working smarter and harded so later you can be smart and work less. Find out what is essential in life and job and do it. Don't spend time on the things that don't matter.
4)Rally around replishners. He was saying there were three kinds of people that that replinish us . They keep us upbeat and happy. Then there are those that ar deplinishers. They bring us down-they have nothing positive to say. Then there are the people that are neutral--they have not attitude one way or another.
5)Encourage for Encouragement. He was talking about always remember to try to encourage others b/c sometime when we are thinking we need encouragement and we seek out to encourage someone else is the time that we will get the most encouragement.
6)Depend on the dependable. 1st depend on God then depend on the people you can count on. Don't try to make someone dependable that you know isn't. You won't change them and then you will just be frustrated.
He ended it by saying that we are all diamonds in a rough and God is building us into what he wants us to be! IT WAS GREAT! I hope they come back b/c I want to hear them again and again!
4)Today I went with my mother to one of her Premier parties. They are such fun and she does a GREAT job at them. Here a few pictures of the jewlery.
5)Okay now for the recap of old photos--more dorky pictures of guess who? ME! What a dork I was....yes I have improved with AGE!
This is my grandfather(C.C. as we called him). We were out in his field in Alabama!
Here I am at church look how dorky I look here!!!!
This is my mom and me. Look how long my legs look there. They are longer in that picture than they are now!
This picture is of my mom, my great grandmother Tasler and me!
This is at Thanksgiving at my Great Grandfathers house. We called him papa!
I will post more later! Gotta go take care of Miranda!
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