Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Making It Personal

As I have joined Premier one thing that they do everyday is provide a devotion online. I really liked the one today and wanted to share it:

Making It Personal
October 29

Yesterday, we briefly noted the six ingredients to the
“entrĂ©e” of business success. Today, I want to examine
those ingredients more closely.

1. Consistency. For example, figure out how many
sales opportunities you can handle without jeopardizing
your family life, then do that number every month.

2. Reputation. Remember that you represent your
company. So tell the truth and keep a positive attitude.

3. Dependability. Do what you say you will do when
you say you will do it.

4. Motivation. Attend gatherings designed to pump
up the employees of your company. Read inspirational

5. Commitment to excellence. Do not be satisfied with
mediocrity. Strive for excellence.

6. Dedication to service. This should be our hallmark
as Christian women in business—being committed to
always asking, “How may I serve you?”

To keep your business strong, don’t leave out any of
these recommended ingredients.

So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life.
Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence.
2 Peter 1:5

Ingredients of Business Success
Is my work made up of the right ingredients?

1 comment:

Beth E. said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Congratulations on beginning a new business venture. I have a friend who sells Premiere jewelry. :o)
